Thursday 14 March 2013

My lazy focaccia

I call this recipe a lazy one because I feel like I’m betraying some cook’s oath by using a bread maker. It makes me embarrassed when people ask “did you make this from scratch?” because I don’t feel like I have done. Just in the same way that I feel guilty when people praise a meal I’ve made from a recipe. It’s not like I did any work, I just followed instructions. You couldn’t boast you made a table “from scratch” if you picked up a flat pack from Ikea. I don’t really think cooking is that mechanical a process, but whenever I see a chef on TV making a cake in a mixer, rather than with a spoon, I can’t help but think they’re missing the point. Anyway, the reason I use a bread maker? Borderline O.C.D. dad. If I’m seen to be kneading dough on a worktop, with flour going everywhere, my dad freaks out. So out comes my robot helper, and the only mess is a pan to wash.