Friday 24 July 2015

Review: Persiana by Sabrina Ghayour.

With the news that I’m moving out in a few months, it’s time to buzz through the crap in the cupboards that I’ve left lying around the last few years and probe the forgotten depths of the freezer. Gone is the weird bag of dried mixed beans from the first time we went to the Otley Waitrose (pre-university, seriously). Used up are miscellaneous chutneys. Last weekend, the hour finally came to say farewell to one of my Mum’s impulse buys; a four pack of Lidl quails (I mean come on, just don’t buy food without me there, ok?). With the quails defrosting in the sink (and without my knowledge, a pheasant), out came a packet of yufka -essentially classy filo pasty- that I'd bought in December and frozen wonkily. Half a bag of chickpeas were soaked overnight and, having gone crazy in Leicester’s AMAZING fruit and vegetable market a few days before, there were also a lot of on-the-turn items queued up for a feast, namely tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot and weeny carrots. The avocados had succumbed to an early death and I was still recovering.

Monday 13 July 2015

(Yorkshire) Tea Bread

I didn’t make this with Yorkshire Tea, but I am based in Yorkshire so there shouldn’t be a problem with the authorities, should they get in touch. Some good news; after a couple of years of grafting, I’m pleased to report that I’ve been given a place on a funded PhD! It’s a joint project between the University of Leicester and the National Maritime Museum and I am so very, very excited. Did I mention it’s on prison hulks? It’s on prison hulks. It’s got to be the coolest topic in the world, am I right? There’s this stupid little children’s book called “Victorian Crime” that I bought in a charity shop in Hebden Bridge during my home-schooling years; it’s full of amazing pictures and snippets of kids on hulks or getting hauled in by the police and I was completely obsessed with it. From there, I went on to a phase devouring Newgate novels, followed by an adoration of a series of books written by Andrew Pepper about an ex-Bow Street Runner called Pyke. This whole PhD project is just filling my head with stories but I really can’t wait to get back to some proper academic work.