Tuesday 2 July 2013


When the going gets tough, I make macaroons. Now, in breaks from the dissertation madness, recently I’ve been trying out with great success the Ladurée-type macaroons that they sell everywhere now for a pound a go. Let me tell you- they are so easy to make. I made some tiramisu ones, and then some pistachio. But after six or seven, I did actually get a bit sick of eating them, so offloaded them onto friends and family. What I class a REAL macaroon are these ones here. I could make them in my sleep and it’s the go-to recipe for a leftover egg white.


1 egg white
100g caster sugar
100g ground almonds
Rosewater, for handling.
1)      Very simply, combine the egg white, sugar and ground almonds together until you have a firm paste.

2)      Rub rosewater on your hands and shape teaspoonfuls of the mixture into little balls. Place on prepared baking trays and adorn with flaked almonds, pine nuts, or nubbins of glacé cherries.

3)      Bake on the middle shelf of the oven at 200˚C until golden brown, about 10-12 minutes.

4)      Leave to cool before prising gently from your baking sheets. Excellent with tea.

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