Saturday 18 January 2014

Raspberry and Limoncello Jelly Shots

I’m sure it has become obvious that I don’t get invited to many parties. But that’s because University finished and there isn’t anyone around! That’s my excuse for an early night, anyway. Roger, on the other hand, actually has friends that he sees and everything and in a moment of madness last week we invited a few over for some drinks. Essay season has just passed, so it felt appropriate to push the boat out and celebrate by making some fancy jelly shots and cookies.

This was our first time making jelly shots and I must say, we were pretty apprehensive after reading many tragic tales across the internet of jelly-failures. It turns out that they’re actually very easy to make, if you don’t swamp the mixture with too much alcohol but just to be safe, we used 1 ½ packets of jelly. The only failing that occurred for us was that everyone forgot about the party, so it was postponed, leaving us with 30+ shots to get through on our own, resulting in a night to (mis)remember.

Makes 1 pint of jelly shots (equalling around 35 jelly shots)
1 ½ packets of your favourite jelly (we went for raspberry)
250ml of your chosen spirits (vodka-based works best, so we used a very strong but delicious homemade limoncello)
250ml boiling water


1)      Cut the jelly into cubes and pour over the boiling water. It’s important to make sure that the jelly has completely dissolved in the water before adding the alcohol or they won’t set (a minute blast in the microwave did the trick for us).

2)      With the jelly dissolved, stir in the alcohol and pour into little disposable shot glasses.

3)      Leave to set in the fridge for a few hours.
As the jelly-water ratio is approximately 50-50, two jellies equal one shot, so go easy!



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