Monday 15 May 2017

Politicised Flapjacks

With a parental state visit occurring last week, we were prepping hard to pretend that we live like human beings. We did the hoovering, watered the houseplants, wiped and/or dusted all surfaces, and the plants on the balcony were either replaced or pruned to within an inch of their lives. The flat was sparkling but I wasn’t finished- what about food? My dad’s a coeliac, which means he can’t eat wheat. Now here’s where I get political: the government has decided to stop funding the special bread that my dad and countless others get on prescription from the pharmacy.

Their reason for this is that gluten-free food is so popular now that it can be bought (for an arm and a leg) in most supermarkets. So… you give my dad Hepatitis C, meaning he can’t work, and has to have a liver transplant… and now you take his food? What an utter disgrace. As the government are taking the bread from my father’s mouth, I can only step in as and when I can. So I made flapjacks. This is hardly the most whimsical post, but when you’re getting screwed from every angle, having good food and a supportive family is what you need.

Makes roughly 16, depending on how you cut them.


125g unsalted butter
125g soft brown sugar
3 tablespoons golden syrup
250g rolled oats (if you're cooking for a coeliac, make sure your oats pass the test)
Pinch salt
2 handfuls of fruit/nuts- this could be chopped nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds), mixed seeds or dried fruit (sultanas, raisins, dates).


1)      First things first, line a baking tray with baking paper. I used a pan that was about 22cm square. Make sure it’s deep enough.
2)      Preheat the oven to 180°C or gas mark 4.
3)      In a large pan, melt the butter, syrup and sugar together until dissolved.
4)      Stir in the oats, and a pinch of salt and mix until completely coated.
5)      Throw in a couple of handfuls of whatever you fancy- I went for a big handful of chopped walnuts and another big handful of sultanas.
6)      Bake in the oven on the middle shelf, for roughly 25-30 minutes, until golden brown. You may need to turn the pan halfway through cooking to ensure the bake is even.
7)      Leave to cool for 10 mins in the pan, before cutting into squares. It’s best to cut the flapjacks before they are completely cool.

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