Wednesday 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas (Eve)!!

I get WAY more excited about our Christmas Eve buffet than any other meal on the calendar. It’s my special day; once we’ve picked up the turkey then BOOM, it’s time to get prepping. Here’s what we had this time round; white crabmeat and cress cocktails, lobster with samphire, coconut prawns, crudités with our blue cheese dip, Parma ham, fig and goat’s cheese bundles, pigs in blankets and of course, cheese and pineapples! With some tiramisu macarons and spice pear Bellini’s thrown in for good measure. My, god the acid reflux… HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Xxx

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Scotch Broth

Everyone’s getting so excited about Christmas but we haven’t got any of our decorations up yet! We don’t normally put our tree up until about the eighteenth, so in the meantime I think there’s time for a quick non-Christmas post. We’re big on soups in our house and if there isn’t any soup, then there’s a strong chance that Daddy won’t actually eat lunch, which is really annoying because he ends up wandering the house and invariably getting into a stink with one of us. With the days getting even shorter and even colder, it’s important that his immune system is tip-top so I often find myself slipping as much nourishment as possible into soups to trick him.

Friday 5 December 2014

New Look!

I was thinking the other day that my webpage was looking a little worn out but luckily, in exchange for a cookie or three I was able to hire an expert illustrator to draw me a new logo! Many thanks to Amy Mckay, my big sister!
Check out her website here: