Thursday 13 September 2012

Summer Gazpacho

It’s apparently summer. But it isn’t really… the weather now is just spring’s big hangover until autumn hits us. There was however, one blissful week around mid- May where the sun did put his hat on. Not only was it boiling, but the Shouty Man was selling a bag of tomatoes for £1. The Shouty Man deserves his own introduction. I live next to a market in York. Every evening, without fail, a man on one of the fruit and veg stalls tries to fob off all the mushy, sweaty or just plain unloved bags of fruit or veg that didn’t get sold that day at reduced prices. At first, I thought living next to all this discounted food would be a great opportunity but as usual, I promptly became scared of the Shouty Man. I feel awful if I don’t have a pound to pick up something when I pass him on the way home. I avoid his eye, go round the other street to get home, or worse, cave in and break a note somewhere so I have change to buy some sweaty strawberries. But on the days where I do have change in my pocket, I’m likely to spend it there, like I did on that fateful hot evening I made gazpacho.

Spicy Fried Tofu

One might assume that this recipe would be disgusting. Mainly because of the dirty word in the title: TOFU. Heck, a week earlier and I wouldn’t have gone near it with a barge pole. Well, I probably would have, but what I’m trying to say is that you’re forgiven for taking a step back. Now, a few weeks ago my trio of friends, Maddie, Lawrence and Laura came round for a Chinese. Maddie, who is our expert on everything to do with China ordered spicy fried tofu. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who wrinkled their nose at her choice but Maddie’s mad, so we weren’t going to argue. Hours later, when everyone had gone, like some sort of animal I snuck a bite at a piece of the tofu that Maddie hadn’t finished. To my horror, it was delicious. So here’s my take on tofu. The recipe is pretty loose so you can add whatever you fancy to it. It serves one, because I didn’t think anyone would like to join me but as the recipe calls for one handful of this or that per person, it’s not rocket science to make things go further.

Homemade Chips

Now I know that making chips isn’t exactly rocket science, but these were so good that me and Roger gobbled these beauties down in next to no time, so I sort of feel that it would be rude not to give them their own recipe. They are extremely simple to make, very sweet and caramelised. In addition, their makeshift aioli makes them irresistible. I love potatoes with their skins on, so you’ll get a few vitamins out of these. Plus, as they’re baked, they’re relatively low fat- but as I’m obsessed with garlic and mayonnaise, the aioli is pretty important for me.

Quick Chocolate Fudge

For YEARS I’ve been eyeing up a Nigella Lawson recipe for chocolate fudge.
But my dad, who loves the stuff, happens to hate any fudge that isn’t vanilla. Then Roger, my boyfriend hates nuts in things, which is something I’m beginning to think all guys hate…